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Here's a mountain see it towering
Here's a mountain see it towering
by Andrew Pratt
First Sunday of Advent Year A Isaiah 2: 1 – 5 Here’s a mountain, see it tow’ring, Here’s a mountain, see it tow’ring, God is present, all will know that a new day is arising, where God’s peace and love will grow. New day coming, like a river, sweeping all things in its path; God …
Reflection on Psalm 26: 1-8
Reflection on Psalm 26: 1-8
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection on Psalm 26: 1-8 Proper 17 Year A Psalm 26: 1-8 What do people think when I tell them how much I love God and how wonderful it is to sing songs of joy and praise in church? Not much, I reckon. Do people notice that I don’t mix with the riff-raff and keep well away from…
by Sue Brown
Zacchaeus remembers. Zacchaeus For a child it’s always hard being different: too fat, too thin, too tall or, like me, too small. The deep hurt of rejection – “not you, you can’t play with us, you’re not big enough” – stays with you somewhere deep down, no longer thought of, but…